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  • B.S. Communications

  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

  • Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)

  • Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist (FRCms)

  • Functional Range Assessment (FRA)

  • Functional Anatomy Seminars 2019 Summit Attendee (FRS)

  • KINSTRETCH® Certified

  • KILO Strength Society Program Design Course

  • Perinatal Workshop Attendee

  • CPR & AED


Tim, Co-Founder & Co-Owner of Ethos, has developed a passion for fitness bigger than himself. He treats his clients like family and uses a little tough love to get them working outside their comfort zones every single session. “I believe group training is just a vehicle that can lead you to an overall better, healthier life. When the confidence extends beyond the training floor and starts impacting your life, you’ve succeeded.” 

From marathon training to breaking down the mechanics of a deep squat, Tim is dedicated to researching the 'why' behind training. Tim assesses everything when you’re in his class: how you stand, walk, squat, rotate. You name it. He gets you moving better and smarter in your first class. Tim sees your potential the moment you walk in the door and helps you earn it! In his eyes, no goal is ever set too high.

With the desire to move better and reduce distracting pain, he dove headfirst into FRC’s® mobility training. What he discovered was life changing: the rest of his life & training improved significantly. Daily joint training allowed him to run faster and longer and lift heavier, all without pain. Tim took this pro-level injury prevention tool and built it into Ethos’  strength & conditioning program, making it one sustainably robust system. 

Outside the gym, you might find him doing neck CARs with a coffee in hand (always). #everydamnday.